Fifth day of our experiment
18/05/2019 Today was another successful day for the team of PLP2019. The team gathered at 8 am. The targets started going on the water at 8.30 am and got into final position at 9.15 am. The...
Fourth day of our experiment
13/05/2019 Our team gathered at Tsamakia beach at 9am. In this iteration we deployed five targets. The dimensions of the first four were 5x5m and they had a 75% coverage of plastics, two targets were...
Third day of our experiment
08/05/2019 Our team gathered at Tsamakia beach at 9 am. We prepared four of our targets, two with plastic bottles and two with plastic bags. This time the targets were not fully covered by plastic...
Second day of the experiment
03/05/2019 Today was the second successful day of our experiment. The team gathered at 9 am and the targets started going in the water at 9:55 am. They got into final position at 11:00 am for the...
The first of the experiment
18/04/2019 Today was the fist day of our experiment. Our team gathered at 9am and had a last check on the four targets. The targets were already tied to the moorings by 12pm (the time...
General Rehearsal before experiment
17/04/2019 Today we made the general rehearsal before the experiment. Twenty of us gathered in the Tsamakia beach. Two of the targets (one with plastic bags and one with plastic bottles) were...
Preperations for the pilot testing
16/04/2019 Today we gathered at Tsamakia beach and prepared four artificial targets, all four targets were 5X5 m. (5 m2) in size. The target frames were PVC tubes of 50 cm in diameter (ø), all...
Experiment Log 2019